Intalytics Taps INRIX to Provide Retailers with Best-in-Class Traffic Data for Decision Analysis

ANN ARBOR, MI (September 19, 2019) – Intalytics, the leader in location-based predictive analytics solutions, and INRIX, the world leader in transportation analytics and connected car services, have finalized a collaboration that further expands the robust foundation of industry-leading data upon which Intalytics’ customized analytics solutions are developed.
The dataset, INRIX Volume Profile, contains vehicle count data on more than 2.6 million miles of roads nationwide by day of week, time of day and direction of travel. This dataset is available within Intalytics’ SiteIntel platform, a powerful mechanism for visualizing meaningful data spatially, generating site-specific insights using custom models, and importing/exporting information for real-time analysis.
“Intalytics is committed to sourcing the highest quality data to leverage on behalf of our clients,” said Dave Huntoon, Principal at Intalytics. “We conducted extensive tests of the INRIX Volume Profile database and found that it effectively accounts for variations in traffic count, both by location and time of day. We are now actively using INRIX data on behalf of the clients that we support across industry.”
“Location, location, location,” said Amit Goyal, Vice President of Analytics at INRIX. “Securing the optimal new location for a quick serve restaurant based on viability/accessibility or for a retail site based upon higher traffic volumes, INRIX Volume Profiles has transformed the process of scouting and securing new locations from a demanding, time-consuming project to a more intelligent, data-driven development.”
View more details about Intalytics’ SiteIntel platform.
View more details about the INRIX Volume Profile data.
INRIX is the global leader in connected car services and mobility analytics. We help cities and businesses use big data to identify and solve transportation problems, making the world safer, happier and greener. Our partners are automakers, governments, retailers, insurance agencies, advertisers and dozens of other industries that can benefit from understanding how people and vehicles move. Learn more at
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